Ace Adams, Faye House, Betty Wilson, Cynde Parker, Deanna Clark, Robert Bailey, Huey & Ruby Snider, Dorothy Keener, Glo Woofter, John Snyder, Evelyn Burke, Brenda Stout, Naomi Boarm, Barbara, Dane & Sharon Skidmore, Juanita Buchanan, Linda Turner, Frankie Smith, Lawrence & Dale Chapman, Linda Turner, Floda McNemar, Dick & Peg John, Clyde & Mildred Smith, Ron & Marjorie Dolan, Sharon & Kim Murdock, Junie Coffield, Sarah & Charlie Paugh, Connie, Dan, Jack & Roberta Fisher, Brenda Starrett, Judy Montgomery, Nathan Stitzer, Kathy Loretta, Jeremy Dempsey, Terry Henline, Bill Cutlip, James Gum, Wesley Rogers, Betty Garrison, Mark Freeman, Helen Ryan, Jack Rollins, George Cooper, Jr., Nickie Brown, Missy Hudson, Larry Skinner, Ruth Hall, Maria Bee, Evan Ramsey, Unspoken Requests, Lt. David Grantham, Staff Sergeant Jim Cole, and all our Armed Forces serving both here at home & abroad & their Families.
Please call the church office to have a loved one placed on this list.