Rev. Kenneth Miller family, Tim Grose, John & Debbie Snyder, Ruby Snider, Brenda Stout, Naomi Boram, Betty Wilson, Barbara & Sharon Skidmore, Linda Turner, M. J. Foster, Lois Woofter, Frankie Smith, Lawrence Chapman, Sarah and Charlie Paugh, Dorothy Keener, Mildred Vanhorn, Dick & Peg John, Clyde Smith, Ron & Marjorie Dolan, Linda Goodwin, Mildred Niday, Helen Marks, Dwight Osborne, Don Crouch, Jason Rowan, Randy Brady, Chase Cain, Jack & Roberta Fisher, Larry Bailey, Darrell Helmick, Junie Coffield, Patty Craig, Lisa Huffman, Mike Sherwood, Helen Ryan, Mark Freeman, Unspoken Requests and those serving in the Military at home & abroad & their families.